Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31, 2008

Mason is hugging Sydney. Mason says, "I taking Sydney hugs. I love Sydney." I said, "Oh, you love Sydney?" He replies, "Yes, I love Sydney, that's right, Mommy."

At the park, I say, "Mason, it's time to go. It's too cold." Mason: "No, it's not cold, Mommy." Me: "Well, I'm cold so let's go." Mason: "Yeah, I'm cold too."

Matt's leaving for work every morning. Matt: "Bye, buddy. I gotta go to school." Mason: "Daddy go school like Mason's school." Yes, Daddy's school is just like Mason's school.........

Matt: "Hi, Sydney. Wow, you are getting big." Mason: "No, Sydney's not big. I'm big. Sydney's a baby."

Mason's going on his 6th day with no accidents. It's amazing! Started off a little rough but now we are getting the hang of it. Last night, he peed in the potty and says "Mommy, I went pee-pees in the potty. I wear underwear. I'm a big boy!" I said, "Yes you are a big boy." Mason: "Yes, I'm a big boy. No accidents. No accidents, Mommy." :)

Sydney's newest craze is asking to be put up on the couch at which point she turns into crazy woman.....jumping, leaping, etc. You have to stand over her every move so she doesn't fall off the couch. She's laughing and screaming with joy the whole time. She has also started occasionally sucking on her thumb during the day. She always does it in her bed when going to sleep but never during the day. Isn't it funny? This is the exact same age that Mason started doing the same thing when we were in Tampa over summer. What a cowinky dink!!!

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